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Line graph representing city moving from grey buildings to greenery with sustainable energy.

Capstone: Closing the Gap – Sustainability Risk and Strategy Considerations

This Capstone solidifies concepts learned throughout the certificate program, focuses on applying those concepts and introduces some new concepts to wrap up the certificate program.

Course 4 (Capstone) builds on and solidifies sustainability and ESG concepts learned throughout the certificate program and focuses on applying those concepts via an in-depth case that builds upon the case from Course 3. Limited new materials are explored focusing on capping off your learning through a risk, strategic and operational lens.

Capstone Module Learning Objectives

  • Document and evaluate an organization’s micro-environment and prioritize the risks and opportunities and link back to the reporting and disclosure needs
  • Reflect on an organization’s strategy by integrating sustainability risks and opportunities
  • Describe why integrative thinking and reporting are effective for an organization and its users
  • Describe key elements to operationalizing sustainability and create a close process to embed sustainability-related information to be reported and disclosed

Capstone Case Learning Objectives

The Capstone case learning objectives were designed considering the content of the certificate in its entirety:

  • Calculate and evaluate greenhouse gas emissions and make recommendations on business alternatives
  • Design a materiality assessment approach and assess user needs
  • Evaluate and document sustainability-related strategic and operational risks and opportunities

Capstone Design

Course 4 is a Capstone in which learning is self-directed, but is offered only at certain times a year due to case marking and opportunities for assistance and discussion on the case. Course 4 builds on the case from Course 3 with further depth of exercises to ensure participants can apply learning at the end of this program. The content of the Course 4 Capstone is a recorded session and provides opportunities to reflect on sustainability through a risk, strategic and operational lens through independent course activities. There will also be office hours for learners to ask the Capstone facilitator questions via email through the learning management system – desire 2 learn or D2L. Timing of when the office hours will be available will be communicated via the D2L messaging system during the offering of the course.

What’s in it for me?

The competency of sustainability is one of the largest disruptions in the profession in more than 100 years. Developing your knowledge is a gateway to opportunity in this growing field with an increasing number of roles such as sustainability controller popping up. Those who have a base knowledge in sustainability will become increasingly valuable to the organization and those that have well rounded financial and business acumen to accompany this knowledge will have a competitive skills advantage. Becoming a key resource at your organization will give you the opportunity to position yourself for more senior positions and add increasing value to your organization’s future.

Even if you are not a public company, organizations that are part of a larger value chain will experience needs from those they supply or provide services to. In addition, financial institutions, private equity and other providers of capital are increasingly interested in key sustainability metrics for organizations of all sizes.

This is the fourth and last course (Capstone) within the certificate program A New Frontier, Sustainability and ESG for CPAs.

Special offers/promotions

For Certificate purchasers only, when purchasing access to the course 4 Capstone, please use the following code as the Capstone would have been purchased through the certificate: ESGCAP

You will learn about:

  • enterprise risk management (in the context of sustainability)
  • strategy (in the context of sustainability)
  • integrating thinking and reporting
  • operational considerations

Who should attend?

The certificate and its courses are intended toward upskilling two distinct groups of professionals:

CPAs that have at least two to 10+ years of designated experience and MBA / business professionals that work in:

  • the private sector (publicly listed companies, private companies)
  • public accounting firms
  • management / consulting firms

Within those groups, we expect the following roles to align with this course and its objectives:

  • new CPA and business roles in sustainability and climate change
  • reporting lead/manager roles in public reporting (MD&A, AIF, analyst reports, presentations, etc.)
  • investor relations and other professionals involved in the preparation of sustainability or integrated reports.
  • financial statement preparers
  • senior/executive leaderships roles

Sustainability and ESG considerations are fundamentally changing how organizations plan and execute their strategy and operate and in doing so, are impacting the entire career spectrum. This product is designed with inclusion in mind; there is something for everyone.

Prerequisites and requirements

In order to be eligible for the Course 4 (Capstone), courses one through three must be successfully completed in order to enroll.


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