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Governance for not-for-profit organizations: Questions for directors (2nd edition)

With the right governance framework, your NFP organization can be as effective and productive as possible. Here’s how to build and refine one.

Governance is increasingly in the spotlight for NFPs. Stakeholders and the general public are demanding more transparency and accountability regarding the oversight of organizations of all kinds. Despite this intensifying focus, many NFP directors do not fully appreciate the extent of their oversight responsibility. 

Under current legislation and common law, NFP directors have an overall responsibility for the organization and the strategy for achieving its legal purpose. Directors who neglect these responsibilities put the NFP’s sustainability at risk. On the other hand, directors who ensure their NFP is equipped with a good governance framework can ensure that the NFP is productive and accountable, and that it delivers on its mission ethically and sustainably. 

This guide sets out a process to help NFP directors create such a framework or refine an existing one. 

Key takeaways: 

  • understand the legislative requirements and environment 
  • design a governance framework 
  • implement the framework 
  • ensure the right board dynamics 
  • ask the right questions to ensure your NFP's governance framework and supporting processes are effective