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Uniting for a stronger way forward

CPA voices from coast to coast to coast are at the heart of CPA Canada’s evolution

The Chartered Professional Accounting profession is nothing without its members – you, me, and every CPA across Canada.  

We have further sharpened our focus on this simple fact in the past several months as we at CPA Canada evolve and look to the future to meet the needs and wants of CPAs. We’ve been tirelessly working to bring each of you into the discussion on the national stage through consultations and focus groups. Our aim is to learn how you can help us build a better future. 

Consultation with constituents is an essential and basic principle in modern society.  This edition of Pivot, in fact, contains an incredibly important article surrounding corporate Canada’s responsibility to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s efforts for economic and cultural justice for Indigenous Peoples here in Canada. I urge you to read this piece on page 26 as it contains vital information on how CPAs can lead efforts across Canada and do your part in contributing to reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.   

What struck me most when reading this article was the importance of free, prior and informed consent.  

At CPA Canada, we are dedicated to ensuring each CPA across Canada has a voice and a platform.  We will continue to do our part to consult with CPAs about our path for the future. Only CPA Canada can do this in a unified, national way.  Our consultation with members is especially relevant in light of the impending withdrawal by the regulators in Ontario and Quebec from membership in CPA Canada, which consequently removes membership for Ontario and Quebec CPAs at the stroke of a pen.  

In our ongoing outreach, we’ve confirmed the value members place on the work CPA Canada does every day – from ensuring a rigorous national education system, thought leadership and standards support to advocacy at the federal and international levels All of this work contributes to the strong reputation and credibility of CPAs, both nationally and internationally. A strong CPA Canada is critical to continue to foster the position CPAs enjoy as a national body working on behalf of CPAs everywhere. 

I must admit that one item that is consistently named as a core priority is “recognition as a CPA Canada member” and it fills my heart. It is gratifying to see that CPA Canada as an organization and members of CPA Canada are recognized the world over, and the instant credibility and respect that   represents.   

I’m always excited to connect with our members and build an even stronger profession, but to do so, we need your help. If you believe in a strong national profession, then please reach out to us; you deserve to be heard.  Help us build a better profession and tell us how you want to be a part of it. When you receive outreach from CPA Canada, know that we truly want your input.   

I promise to every CPA across Canada: We are evolving as an organization and a profession. Your input will help shape our future. We are nothing without you.