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Survive and thrive financially after job loss

Learn how to move ahead financially after the loss of a job.

Time frame: 60 min

Learning objectives:

  • understand how to budget after job loss
  • learn how to deal with debt
  • find out about other options, such as:
    • becoming a contractor
    • starting your own business
    • retraining or school


  • reactions – dealing with your emotions
  • preparations – financing every day
  • actions
  • budgeting
  • accessing benefits
  • finding a new job through:
    • contracting or self-employment
    • going back to school or retraining
    • stabilization – getting to normal
  • dealing with debt
  • Q&A

Learning materials:

For questions, please email us.


We will provide a CPA volunteer to lead the session with a prepared presentation, activities, handouts and worksheets. Note: If more than one session is needed, please fill out and submit a separate form for each session requested.

Request guidelines:

For more information, visit setting up a financial literacy session.