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Tax and fiscal policy

We advocate on behalf of the public interest for responsible fiscal management and for a simple, fair, efficient and competitive tax system for Canadian taxpayers and businesses.

Good tax policy is critical to creating a stable, competitive business environment that contributes to a healthy, growing economy. It is also critical to the inclusive, compassionate society that we want Canada to be. It must ensure predictable revenues to government, without placing an undue burden on taxpayers or harming Canada’s desirability as a place to live and do business.

Informed by economic research, in-house tax expertise and the guidance of more than 100 CPA tax practitioners who serve on voluntary CPA Canada tax advisory committees, our tax policy recommendations focus on serving the public’s best interest and contributing to social and economic development.

Our work on international tax committees adds a global perspective to domestic policy proposals, and in other areas of economic and social policy, such as climate change, trade and business innovation, helps connect the dots between objectives in those areas and tax policy implications.

Our work on tax and fiscal policy includes:

  • publishing and promoting research, analysis and commentary on tax and fiscal policy issues
  • advocating tax policy recommendations that are based on the public interest
  • analyzing and commenting on tax and regulatory proposals
  • providing a tax preparer’s perspective to administrative matters in order to improve tax compliance and to enhance clarity and service to taxpayers
  • making pre-budget recommendations and conducting post-budget analysis of the federal budget
Old-fashioned blue typewriter on white background, with caption "A lot has changed since 1967."

Canadians deserve a better tax system

The tax system is fundamental to a competitive environment, inclusive growth and a fair society. It affects people's daily lives and it urgently needs an overhaul. CPA Canada is calling for the first comprehensive tax review since 1967.
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Close up of a hand holding a paper speech balloon containing a dollar sign.

It’s time to rethink tax expenditures

Sound tax policy is key to building a better, fairer Canada. Our brief explores why the government should be cautious in adding any new tax expenditures to Canada’s overly complex tax system.
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A series of tangled wires

Our tangled tax system needs an overhaul

Canada's tax system has become so complex and difficult to navigate that it now needs a comprehensive, top-to-bottom overhaul
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